Showing category "My Life" (Show all posts)


Posted by Jack Becker on Friday, July 1, 2011, In : My Life 
Hello, and right now I am on my summer vacation in Europe. Just so you know, I'm on the downhill part of finishing the edits and production of my second book, and I estimate it will be out at about August to October, so keep a look out. Hope every body is having a great summer!
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Posted by Jack Becker on Sunday, May 1, 2011, In : My Life 
Well, I was bored, so I decided to make parts of a movie with some of my friends. We spent almost all yesterday filming at least six scenes. We didn't get to film as much as I had hoped, but only because most of the people couldn't come. But anyways, I should have the clips posted by the end of the month! I'll keep ya updated!
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New Life in New York

Posted by Jack Becker on Wednesday, March 16, 2011, In : My Life 

Yes, I am moving to New York City this June, and I will miss Pittsburgh. But I am attending this amazing school there called Village Community School. I think it's amazing because it's just much different from my current school. But that doesn't mean my current school, St. Louise de Marillac, is bad at all either. It's just that VCS will be a new, interesting experience, just like St. Louise was for me when I first went there. But to all my friends, I'll still be keeping in touch!

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About Me

Jack N. Becker Jack currently lives with his parents and two sisters in Pittsburgh, where he attends St. Louise de Marillac School. When he's not writing, Jack enjoys playing football for the St. Louise Trojans, practicing the piano and the trombone, and playing chess. He loves animals of all kinds. He also loves to travel and gets inspiration for his stories from the trips he's taken with his family. He was 10 years old when he wrote Monster in the Loch Ness, which is his first book, and he plans to write more Cryptid Mysteries.

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