Showing category "Update on New Books" (Show all posts)


Posted by Jack Becker on Tuesday, May 31, 2011, In : Update on New Books 
Hello, and I would just like to say I am halfway through editing it. But I also have an idea for another book called WEEDS. I can't tell you what it's about, but it should be out in about a year or two.
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Posted by Jack Becker on Saturday, May 14, 2011, In : Update on New Books 
MONSTER IN THETIS LAKE  the second book in the Cryptid Mysteries is now complete! It should be open to the public in about a month or two.
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Second Book of the Series Coming Soon...

Posted by Jack Becker on Saturday, September 18, 2010, In : Update on New Books 
The second book in the Cryptid Mysteries, Monster in Thetis Lake, will be published in 2011! This new addition to the series will be much longer and will not only have heart pounding action with the mystery of the famous Thetis Lake Monster, there were also be a head scratching murder mystery tied in. Many of the characters from the first book will return, and there not the only ones. I'll release the exact date after I get it cleared from the WCH!
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About Me

Jack N. Becker Jack currently lives with his parents and two sisters in Pittsburgh, where he attends St. Louise de Marillac School. When he's not writing, Jack enjoys playing football for the St. Louise Trojans, practicing the piano and the trombone, and playing chess. He loves animals of all kinds. He also loves to travel and gets inspiration for his stories from the trips he's taken with his family. He was 10 years old when he wrote Monster in the Loch Ness, which is his first book, and he plans to write more Cryptid Mysteries.

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