Last year I wrote an essay for english class, and I wrote mine on how to write a book. Since this website is all about me as an author, I'd thought I would share this essay so you yourself might write a book one day. Below is the essay, and I hope it will help you write your own creation in the future.

          Have you ever dreamed of writing a book and becoming an amazing author, but have been overwhelmed with how to do it? This is how you can write a book, and not be overwhelmed by the whole process. You will need a flow-chart, something to write with(a computer is optional), a good imagination, and patience.

          First, brainstorm ideas for a good story with a good base or plot. Next, think of the genders of the characters and their names. Then, fill out your flow-chart. After that, write your story in ascending order. Make sure to add dialogue to the story and tell how the characters feel to make the story more exciting. This stage requires patients for it can take an extremely long time depending on the length of your story. Finally, reread you story, correcting errors and making improvements till it meets you likings.

           Now you can share your story with you friends or send it in to get your story published. Who knows, you could become the next J.K. Rowling!