New York City!

January 20, 2011

I'm currentley in New York City, and I just have to say it's my favorite city I've ever been to! We might even move here, but maybe not. Hope everyone's well, and hopefully there won't be any snow til after President's Day.


Christmas Break!!!

December 23, 2010
I'm so happy Christmas break is finally here! I bet most schools across the country are out by now. Well, except for the Bethel Park school here in Pittsburgh because of the strike. But anyways, Merry Christmas Break!
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Almost Christmas!

December 19, 2010
Christmas is almost here, and I'm so excited! Christmas is my favorite Holiday! The presents are nice, but I also love the music, time with my family, and especially the Christmas TV specials! Not to mention the day that Jesus Christ was born! But did you know that Jesus was actually born on Christmas Eve? Right now, we're watching Jesus of Nazareth, and it's amazing to learn everything about Jesus' life. But most of all...

 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Finally Out!

October 28, 2010
I think you might of been confused when I was talking about my book and saying all this stuff about it and its sequels when it wasn't even out. But at long last, it is! Click on the links at the home page to go to Amazon and to purchase it. If you do decide to buy it, I hope you enjoy it!
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How to Write a Book

October 17, 2010
    Last year I wrote an essay for english class, and I wrote mine on how to write a book. Since this website is all about me as an author, I'd thought I would share this essay so you yourself might write a book one day. Below is the essay, and I hope it will help you write your own creation in the future.

          Have you ever dreamed of writing a book and becoming an amazing author, but have been overwhelmed with how to do it? This is how you can write a book, and not be overwhelmed by t...

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Awesome Books 911 Forum

October 17, 2010
    This is a fun and safe place for writers to share information on their books and their favorite books, write stories, play games, and make friends. The AB911 Forum is created by Gregory Katts and he himself has written a book. The AB911 Forum is made so it is social but still very safe. There are many systems on the forum to protect it from spammers and hackers. I'd appriciate it if you check out the Forum at P...
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Cryptids and Other Creepy Creatures

October 17, 2010
    I have come to realize that I forgot to give credit to the book that sort of inspired me to write my books and was the main base of my information of the cryptids that I have and will continue in my books. Cryptids and Other Creepy Creatures: The World of Unsolved Mysteries by  John D. Wright acts as my Cryptid Encyclopedia. It's a cool book that gives the information you want in a way that let's your mind wonder about the backround. You can find this book on Amazon and I'm sure many othe...
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New Book

September 21, 2010
I am planning on writing a new book called Shark Tooth, and I plan to write a sequel as well. I am currently writing it right now, and I hope to have it done and published by next year. I don't feel comfortable telling what the story is about, because someone might steal the idea. But keep an eye out!
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Second Book of the Series Coming Soon...

September 18, 2010
The second book in the Cryptid Mysteries, Monster in Thetis Lake, will be published in 2011! This new addition to the series will be much longer and will not only have heart pounding action with the mystery of the famous Thetis Lake Monster, there were also be a head scratching murder mystery tied in. Many of the characters from the first book will return, and there not the only ones. I'll release the exact date after I get it cleared from the WCH!
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Anticipating my first book!

September 18, 2010
It took me over a year to write the first Cryptid Mystery book, starting when I was nine and finishing shortly before my 11th birthday.  Writing is hard work!  As I've gotten older, the stories are coming to me faster, so stay tuned for the next Cryptid Mystery.  Now I'm waiting for Monster in the Loch Ness to come back from the printer.  When it does, I hope at least some people will buy a copy and read my story.  It's very exciting!  I will keep everyone posted for its release....
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About Me

Jack N. Becker Jack currently lives with his parents and two sisters in Pittsburgh, where he attends St. Louise de Marillac School. When he's not writing, Jack enjoys playing football for the St. Louise Trojans, practicing the piano and the trombone, and playing chess. He loves animals of all kinds. He also loves to travel and gets inspiration for his stories from the trips he's taken with his family. He was 10 years old when he wrote Monster in the Loch Ness, which is his first book, and he plans to write more Cryptid Mysteries.

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