I know what you are thinking after reading the title. Some jerk called me a retard and I want to blog about it to make me feel better. I know that it highly unlikely, especially for the kids in my class who really know what this is about. There was a children's book in my school's library called Somebody Called Me a "Retard" Today...My Heart Felt Sad. I'm sorry, but that to me is just a funny thing to have as the topic of a children's book, but I have to admit, the illustration I actually enjoyed. And I guess the moral of the book was a good one as well. So I have to give the author some credit, for calling someone a "retard" back then was a huge offense, and the point the author was trying to make is DON'T CALL PEOPLE THAT, or since now it's not as bad, the moral today would be DON'T CALL PEOPLE NAMES! PERIOD!, Yes, that may be an exclamation point after period, but I reckon everyone gets the point.