
There is one thing you must know before becoming an agent: it's extremely dangerous. You could die at any time, even when you think you're safe. There are 7 tests that you need to pass to become an agent. Physical Conditioning, Stealth/Spying, Mental Conditioning, Mind Tricks, Developing Surroundings, Armed Combat, and Hand to Hand Combat. Each of these are key to your survival. At the end of everything, there will be a final exam which will include skills from all the tests, and you need to complete this to become an agent. This guide will explain these tests and, hopefully, keep you alive on your missions. 

Physical Conditioning- In order to be able to go anywhere in your surroundings or stand a chance in hand to hand combat you must go through physical training. This is no doubt going to be the hardest workout routine you've ever done. Each agent must undergo a series of difficult exercises, from sprinting 800 meters, to completing obstacle courses, to weight lifting. You also have to be able to resist anything that the enemy might do to you. Yes, this part is very painful. You will be shocked by a zap gun several times until it only has minor pain for just 3 minutes, and you will also be locked in a sealed room in which a bunch of artificial fists will punch you everywhere. If you survive, and can handle these tests, you will qualify to move on to the next step. 

Stealth/Spying- This is key for your survival on scouting missions, or if you're sent to destroy/gather information at a base. You need to remember to use as many alternate routes as possible. If you are in the woods or forest, grapple up to the tree canopy to sneak past enemy lines. If you are in a facility, use the heating or airconditioning vents to travel through the building unseen. You will be tested by being sent on a test mission through the woods or a facility with no weapons at all. You'll only have your grapple hook and radar. Then you have to get to a previously determined location behind enemy lines without being seen. You are told which way to go, which makes it harder in a way because you must go that way, even if there are guards there, and you can't be seen by anyone. You will also have to be able to spy on objectives without being noticed, but you won't be tested on that until the fifth step. But if you pass the stealth test, you will qualify to the next step. 

Mental Conditioning- You won't last long if you don't know your target. There will be many tests about your objective that you must pass to be sent on the mission. It's much harder than it sounds. You have to memorize tons of names, faces, figures, and languages. Some of the languages you will learn are French, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Latin. You will have a final exam on all of this after the third 3 month period. If you do not pass this, all of your hard work from the last two steps will be for nothing. You will also have to resist interrogation, which you will also be tested on. But if you do pass this test, then you will qualify to the next step.  

Mind Tricks- This will challenge your mental skills. They will help you with interrogating and being interrogated, which you'll be tested on again in this next semester. The trick to mind tricks is to find the weakness in a person's brain. When you're being interrogated, you need to make your interrogater forget what he was talking about. And when you're interrogating, you need to make the prisoner give away information accidentally. A good way to do this is by using big words and long and confusing sentences. But whatever you do, don't be a sucker to mind tricks yourself. If you can complete this test, you qualify to the next step.

 Developing Surroundings- This will help you with your stealth and spying. You will have to be able to absorb your surroundings to find the best way how to spy and go around enemy lines more easily. If you are spying on an objective on the street, use windows to watch his or her reflection. It will appear that you are looking at the display when you are actually monitoring their every move! When you are scouting across enemy lines, you need to use your surroundings to take alternative routes so you aren't seen. After this semester you will take the stealth test again but this time make your own moves, and you will also take a spy test on the streets. If you pass these two tests, you qualify to the next step.

Armed Combat- In this step you will focus on fighting with weapons, mostly a zap gun. There will be many stages where you will undergo simulations of battles and you'll learn how to fire a zap gun properly. You will also work on taking and firing from cover, and, of course, aim. Your final exam will be a series of simulations. For these simulations you will need to be able to use your developing surroundings skills to kill more birds with one stone, or bolt of electricity. If you pass these tests, you will qualify for the seventh and final step. 

Hand to Hand Combat- What if you don't have a weapon to use on a mission, and complete stealth is not an option? Then you'd have to use hand to hand combat. This is where physical conditioning really kicks in. When you encounter an enemy on hand to hand combat, you need to be quicker, stronger and smarter. You will first be studying what your enemies might do next in a fight, and how you need to react to it. You will need to learn the two basic martial arts, karate and kung fu. You will also need to take yoga so you are able to dodge evasively and throw high kicks. You'll also start gymnastics so you'd be able to perform evasive flips and manuvers to defeat your enemy. But not only do you have to train physically, but also mentally. Keep in mind that mental capacity is as important as brute force. At the end of the semester you will have to complete the hand to hand combat test, which will be another series of simulations that you will have to use your surroundings. If you pass these tests, then congratulations! You've completed the seven tests! But it's not over yet.  

The Final Exam- This is everything or nothing. If you pass, all your hard work will pay off and you will become an agent. If you don't pass, then everything will be lost, but you can choose to take another three years and do everything over again. This test will consist of all the previous steps. The final exam is a mission in a facility or woods and you will have to complete your assigmment in one hour. Everyone's test will vary, from where the enemies are placed and the layout of the faciliy or woods, and if you will have to spy on anyone or if you just have to get to your objective. You will need to use your surroundings to be stealthy in order to pass enemy lines or spy unseen. If you reach or complete your objective, you will be automatically captured, and will be taken into an interrogation room as prisioner. While being interrogated, you'll have to use your mind tricks to pass. But halfway through the interrogation you will be offered a choice no matter how well you're doing. You can either decide to kill yourself (not literally!) so they don't get any information out of you, or keep going to see how you do. I cannot tell you what happens if you decide to kill yourself and if you know, don't tell anyone because we'll find you. But if you pass all that then... 

CONGRATULATIONS! You have become an AGENT!



Tip 1: When invading a building to either secure an area, investigating strange activity, or chasing a suspect in a public apartment building, do not kick down a door when it is NOT LOCKED. Becuase in most occasions, your objective like capturing a suspect/criminal will not have anything to do with that room and the only thing you will acomplish is having to pay for the broken door. But even if the room looks suttle, search from top to bottom anyways WITHOUT destroying anything. In one case in 2000, an agency named the UPL (United Peace Legion), a secret organization, was on a case of the terrorism plan to destroy the Twin Towers and other landmarks, as we know today as 9/11. Somehow, a terrorist was able to get access to maps of the surronding area and all the building's that they plan to attack structure charts to find the weak points in all their targets, to see where would be a good place to attack. Fortunatley, an agent for the UPL, unnamed in history, was able to locate the terrorist and went into pursuit. The chase came to a public apartment building and the agent kicked down a door to find a family eating dinner. He apologized and said he would pay for the door later, and left. But the suspect was hiding under the family's table, holding a gun to them, and got away. Becuase of this agent's lack of protocall and knowledge in that fact, the terrorist got away with key information and the biggest terrorism attack in history was pulled off. The UPL was shut down, and that pretty much ended secret organizations, as far as the Government knows, until 2011 when the World Cryptid Headquarters was founded, but it never has gotten much funding from the Government. 

Tip 2: Always question your superiors. Either they care about your life, and do not allow you to do a mission that could cost your life, but is valluable in the progress of the assignment you were assigned. Also, the more questions you ask about his decission, it could show corruption in your superior if they are under the influence of a bribe or a threat.

 Tip 3: An agent cannot be fearless. Fear keeps agents from doing things incredibly stupid, and makes them look at knowledge. An agent is supposed to be brave, not fearless.

 Tip 4: Always keep a weapon with you. 

Tip 5: Torture is not the best way to get information from a suspect.

Tip 6: Never rely on those close to you to get you out of a problem.    

Tip 7:  Do not give into feelings for another. This could lead to a block in your mission or your death and revelation of important information to an enemy organization if the one you love is a double agent trying to take advantage of you.

 Tip 8: Your authority to kill does not include innocent civilians, therefor if a battle rouses in a public area, take the battle away from the public area to avoid unintentional casualties. 

Tip 9: Don't have any acounts online, for they can be tracked.


Tip 10: Never search for revenge, for it ends in death for the seeker of satisfaction 42% of the time. (See the section "Revenge's Fate" in The Complete International History of Agents and Agencies)


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